Saturday, April 13, 2013

Who Are The Real Radicals Here?

Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy recently sent a letter to Fox urging them not to air Saturday’s NASCAR Sprint Cup race — because the NRA is sponsoring it. According to this idiot Murphy: “This celebration of guns is inappropriate in the immediate wake of the Newtown massacre, but most importantly, broadcasting this race, which will highlight the NRA and its radical agenda during this time, sends a harmful signal to the families affected by gun violence, as well as the millions of Americans who support sensible gun control measures and enjoy your sports programming.”

So, the NRA and its five million members are radicals for wanting to protect our God given right to own guns. We're radicals because we respect the Constitution of the United States and have no desire to see it dismantled. We're a bunch of murderous delinquents because we have this silly notion that the Founding Fathers gave us the tools to protect our freedoms from a tyrannical government which would enslave us.

Not only that, we celebrate our guns. Malcontents such as Senator Murphy would have the public believing that we hold drunken orgies while praying to the graven image of an assault rifle, all the while dreaming of the next time our evil mechanisms of destruction will be used in the mass slaying of innocents.

Well folks, I propose that we are not the radicals. Here is the definition of a radical: A person who advocates thorough or complete political or social reform. We are not advocating reform; we want to keep our laws, traditions, and values exactly as the have always been throughout the history of our great nation. Murphy, Feinstein, Reid, Obama, and the rest are the ones seeking political and social change. Therefore, it is they who are the radicals. They are the ones endangering our Constitution, our country, and our very way of life.

We are many, but there's also many of them. And there are a lot of people in between, people that are too busy with their own lives to keep a close eye on current events. Many of them have no real opinion on gun ownership. They are not aware of the erosion of our personal liberties, and they will continue to be blissfully unaware until it's too late.

Unfortunately, the only information most of these people get is from the mainstream media, and those outlets focus only on what the radicals in power want them to. Is it surprising, therefore, that these people eye Patriots with suspicion and fear? After all, they've been told that we are dangerous, radical extremists. We are, at this very moment, planning the next Oklahoma City bombing. They are told that the only way the government can keep them safe is by restricting our access to firearms and by constant surveillance.

Probably the most frustrating part of being a Patriot is watching friends and family members swallow this garbage hook, line, and sinker. It has been said that he who controls the media controls the mind of the public, and that statement is true. Luckily for us, with the advent of the internet, the mainstream trash mills are no longer the only game in town. They're still the biggest game, granted, but we have avenues by which to get our message out.

Right now, we're fighting a two-front war. On one side, we must pressure our representatives to stand against the tyrannical power grabs of our central government. On the other side, we must rally to sway public opinion in our favor. Each task, by itself, is daunting. But the alternative is to risk losing everything our Nation stands for.

Talk to friends, co-workers, and family. Make them aware of alternative news agencies. Plant the seeds of doubt -- that maybe what they're hearing on the mainstream media isn't exactly the truth. Get them to read publications which offer opposing views to the rhetoric spouted by the radical politicians and their mouthpieces. Post often on social media sites, and give links to pages which back up your allegations. If each one of us, every day, could open the eyes of another person, we could stop these progressive hate mongers dead in their tracks.

We must show our fellow citizens who the radicals really are.

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