Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Clock Is Ticking

It's a palpable feeling being felt by many Americans today: the feeling that something is going to happen, something is going to give. Our liberties, our morals, and our convictions are being assaulted on so many fronts that it's mind-boggling. As hard as it is to fight a two-front war, we are forced to continually defend our way of life on ALL sides. It's exhausting, both mentally and emotionally.

Our children are being suspended or expelled from our schools for the most laughable of offenses. The government is pushing Common Core down the throats of states for those children who remain in school. Individuality and critical, free thinking are discouraged. The new regime wants a rank and file of obedient sheep (with leftist leanings, of course) graduating from all public institutions.

The globalist elite, despite their setback on gun control and new data proving gun violence is declining, are vowing to continue their assault on the Second Amendment. Guns and ammo are still scarce, thanks in part to government agencies stockpiling bullets. This includes the Social Security Administration and NOAA.

The government used the recent terror attack in Boston to implement martial law and conduct illegal searches of private residences. This is a clear attack on the Fourth Amendment. Aside from some alternative media outlets and conservatives on social media, nary an alarm has been sounded.

The administration is lying through their teeth about Benghazi, and almost no one in the Mainstream Media seems to care. Can you imagine the fuss that would be made if it were a Republican in office? And Hillary Clinton has the gall to ask, "What difference does it make?" Ask the families of the four who were murdered, Ms. Clinton. And ask any number of the growing number of Americans who are waking up to find not all is as it should be in the Land of the Free.

GMOs in our food. Back door deals with Syria. Drones and telephone recording. The list goes on and on.

Average Americans, those with traditional values and morals and who believe that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land, are finding themselves backed into a corner, isolated from what the Mainstream Media tells them is the majority of the people. This leads to feelings of frustration and anger.

Is it possible that there may soon be a linchpin event which will trigger mass unrest, even violence. It could certainly happen. Remember, a recent poll suggested that nearly one-third of Americans feel an armed insurgence may be necessary to reclaim the country. And with protests such as the armed march on Washington planned for July 4th, the chances of a fuse being lit are growing greater.

With the 2014 elections over a year away, many are feeling helpless and impatient. A year is a long time to have unwanted and unneeded legislation crammed down our throats. Perhaps the recent Benghazi hearings will erode some of the President's support and credibility. If nothing else, Clinton's political future should die a quick, shuddering death.

For the time being, we Americans will do as we have always done: strive for the best and prepare for the worst. Becoming politically active helps; it at least makes you feel as if you are doing something constructive.

In the meantime, perhaps we can persuade the Mars One team to take Obama, Biden, Clinton, Reid, Pelosi, and Feinstein on the first one-way trip to Mars.

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