Saturday, March 30, 2013

Offense Or Defense?

Patriot and Freedom groups seem to fall into two distinct categories: Activists and Preppers. Activists are very vocal and seek to change the political climate of the country by speaking out against government tyranny and backing candidates whose views on important issues mirror their own. Preppers, on the other hand, view the battle as a lost cause and feel that totalitarianism is inevitable, thus they put their energy into planning for survival when the s#*t hits the fan. They tend to be less vocal, preferring not to draw unwanted attention to themselves.

This is not to say that Activists can't be Preppers, or that Preppers can't be Activists. I'm certain that many are. But is it better to put more effort into trying to change the course of the nation while there still may be time? Or should one concentrate on stockpiling items and honing one's survival skills so that one will be ahead of the game if and when the shoe finally drops?

Each path holds a degree of urgency. For Activists, the urgency lies in stemming the decline of our great nation into the depths of Socialism (or worse) and moving back to our traditional values as set forth in the Constitution. For Preppers, the pressure lies in being prepared to weather an extended period of social and political upheaval, civil unrest, and perhaps even martial law.

Though neither avenue of action is wrong, I would posit that it makes no sense to give up totally on attempting to defeat the Globalists through our Democratic process. We still have the ability to make our voices heard, and we should avail ourselves of that right at every given opportunity. We are making progress: the elite have been forced to move from laughing us off as conspiracy nuts and religious zealots, to blatantly labeling us terrorists. More and more people are waking to the danger to our individual liberties, causing the elite to change tactics and step up their propaganda.

At the same time, common sense demands that we prepare for the worst, should it happen. Since we are well aware of the motives of the elitists within our government, we should also be aware of the lengths to which they might go to forward their twisted ideology and cement their power. The very idea of such an extreme situation occurring in modern America might be far-fetched for some, but are you willing to bet your life and the lives of your loved ones that it couldn't happen?

In the end, there are important questions that each individual must ask themselves. You must search your soul and determine how far you are willing to go for the future of your children and your country. Time is running out; in another decade, we could very well be either on the path back to sanity and traditional values or we could find ourselves slaves to a nanny state with little or no personal freedoms. For those who value the vision of our Founding Fathers, the choice is clear: resist the advancement of One World Government at each and every turn.

In closing, I see only one course of action which makes utterly no sense: to stand idly by and do nothing.

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