Friday, September 27, 2013

Should We Put America On Cruz Control?

A few days ago, Senator Ted Cruz made a stand (literally, a stand--over twenty-one hours) against the elites in Washington. Though his lengthy speech was ostensibly about Obamacare, Cruz spent a lot of time warning his fellow senators (the few who were actually present) that the American people were tired of elected officials who did not listen to the voice of the people.

Though Cruz certainly had his political future in mind when he orchestrated his "non-filibuster", his words seemed honest and heartfelt. Could it be that a leader is emerging who has the best interests of the people in mind? We have long pined for such a person; God knows, our choices in the last several elections have been dismal, at best. With the possible exceptions of Rand Paul and Mike Lee, Ted Cruz seems to be the only person in Washington right now who might actually be able to pull the sword from the proverbial stone.

To be sure, Americans have grown cynical and skeptical of all politicians. Those of us who keep traditional values and favor the Constitution have all but given up on reclaiming our country from the progressive elite. We bicker amongst ourselves, as no one seems to know which path we should take.

And suddenly, there is hope. Conservatives are fragmented, and we need a leader to come forward, someone who could unite and energize the base. Could it be that we have found such a person in Ted Cruz? Is the Senator from Texas up to the task?

It's early, but he seems to be. More importantly, he seems to be willing to accept the mantle. He's intelligent, uncompromising, and unwilling to let himself be dragged into the usual political mudslinging. He tells the truth and lets the facts speak for themselves.

In other words, he's a liberal's worst nightmare.

Will Cruz emerge as a forerunner for the face of the new conservative movement? Or will the combined efforts of the liberals and the Old Republican Guard keep him silenced? One thing's for sure: if you like Cruz, you need to be vocal about it.

Without the support of patriots nationwide, Cruz's voice will be muffled by those who fear his message. And then we'll be stuck with McCain and McConnell.

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