Thursday, September 5, 2013

"The Citizen" Now Available at Amazon

I watch the news. I yell at the TV a lot. I bitch on Twitter. My congressmen know me by name. In other words, I'm pretty politically active, and I don't like the way things are going.

Somehow, in between all of this, I also write. In fact, my new novel The Citizen is now available at Amazon. I put a lot of sweat into it, and I think it's a pretty good book. If you like conspiracy theory stuff, I think it'll be right up your alley. I'll post the link at the end if you're interested.

I had to do a lot of research while writing the novel. I researched Common Core. I saw how this seemingly benign program can be used to track a child from the time they enter school, gathering a copious amount of information on them. The end result, of course, would be that the government could assign a person a specific job based on their grades and aptitude.

I researched the 9/11 attacks intensively. If you haven't, you ought to. The discrepancies are mind-blowing. A good documentary to watch is In Plane Sight. It's currently available on Netflix.

I researched the deaths of Breitbart, Michael Hastings, and Phillip Marshall. I looked at everything I could find about the Christopher Dorner case. I'm not the most hardcore conspiracy theorist around, but this stuff will make you think.

Most of my research revolved around the New World Order, since it is a central theme in the book. Folks, this stuff is happening now, right under our noses. And it's not a new thing. An argument could be made that the events happening today were set in motion at the end of WWII.

They say knowledge is power, and I believe they're right. Too many Americans bury their heads in the sand, content to turn a blind eye to the truth as long as the checks keep coming in the mail and the TV networks keep churning out mindless reality shows.

But true Patriots refuse to be blinded. These people deserve our support, for theirs is not an easy path. The powers-that-be call them wackos and nutjobs. But that is because those powers fear a true Patriot. They fear that the truth will be spread. The fear for their lofty positions.

Anyway, dig for yourself. You may be surprised what you find.

The Citizen by Matthew McCollum

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